Soul Care for Pastors, Chaplains, and Clinicians
The tradition of the care of souls extends back to Biblical days, when priests, prophets, and wise leaders were called to care for God’s people. Care for the souls of persons and congregations remains a significant ministry of the church. Communal and contextual models of care enliven the tradition of the care of souls today.
The DMin in Soul Care for Pastors, Chaplains, and Clinicians will equip ministers with the theoretical and practical tools necessary for more effective and reflective ministry in care and counseling. It will include a strong emphasis on biblical and theological foundations combined with current theory and best practices. Participants will grow in the ability to reflect as pastoral theologians and in the ability to respond to pressing human needs as skilled caregivers.
Students must complete eight core courses including the Project Seminar and perform and write up a research project in the form of a thesis paper. Courses are taught in a combination of face-to-face and on-line offerings.
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Application deadlines:
October 15th (Winter) February 15th (Spring)